Rad Reading – April

This month I read a book called Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger. This book is a 735-page book involved with fantasy fiction. It takes place in a fictional world called the Lost Cities and the Forbidden Cities, the human world. This book is about a girl named Sophie Foster and the crazy events that involve trouble with a group called the Never-seen which is a group of like villain people, among many other things. These crazy events are taken on with Sophie and her friends Fitz, Keefe, Maruca, Marella, Dex, Biana, and Wylie. She and her friends are part of a group called the Black Swan. That is like the good guy, you could I guess compare the black swan to the Justice League. In this book, Keefe has fled to the Lost Cities because he says it is better for everyone that way, when Sophie finds this out she goes after him to figure everything out.

I really enjoyed this book because it gave me the info I needed after the cliffhanger in the last book of the series. I also love and hate that they made another cliffhanger in this book but it makes you want to read the next book more badly. I also really liked this book because the two main characters Keefe and Sophie finally kiss and get together, which is everyone’s favorite duo. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the friend group and has read all the books before this one, as well as someone who likes mythical creatures and adventures, and some romance.

My favorite character is Keefe, he is my favorite character because he is clever, funny, sneaky, and caring. One quote to describe how he is sneaky is “’Chaperone?’ Keefe whined. ‘That’s going to cramp my style.'” (pg.70). This proves Keefe is sneaky because his usual style is sneaky and mischievous but with a chaperone around he wouldn’t be able to do all the sneaky things that he usually does, as well as not be able to be mischievous.

One of my favorite quotes is “No, I mean it. You balance each other. He helps you lighten up, and you help him focus. He boosts your confidence, and you keep his ego in check. You both dive headfirst into danger, but somehow you’re able to help each other play it a little smarter. And you both act more like yourselves when you’re together.” (pg.364). This is my favorite quote because Ro is speaking to Sophie all about how she and Keefe are perfect for each other, and inside Sophie knows she likes these facts but on the outside, she denies all feelings. This is my favorite quote because it’s about Ro being her silly self and also about how Sophie and Keefe should be a couple which I agree with. And the fact that I relate to it because on the inside I know I like this certain person but on the outside, I deny my feelings for him.

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